The following information applies to the webpage By using the webpage you agree with this disclaimer.
Purposes of processing
Koning & Hartman processes your personal data with the aim of providing you with our services and products as well as informing you about new services and products.
Legal basis for processing
Koning & Hartman processes your personal data on the basis of the following legal basis:
• The processing of personal data is necessary for the implementation of an agreement.
• Consent of the person concerned. As a data subject, you have the right to withdraw your consent for processing at any time.
Rights involved
You have the right to submit a request to us for inspection, correction and / or deletion of the personal data that we process about you. In addition, you have the right to request us to limit the processing of your personal data and to object to the processing of your personal data. As a data subject you also have the right to request from Koning & Hartman the personal data that you have provided to Koning & Hartman in a structured, common and machine-readable form so that you can provide this personal data to another controller if desired.
Contact details
For questions about this privacy statement and the processing that Koning & Hartman does you can contact us using the details below. A request for inspection, correction and / or removal, or limitation and objection or data portability can be submitted in writing via email to With these requests we can ask you for identification.
Koning & Hartman B.V.,
Headquarters located at Energieweg 1
2627 AP Delft
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)20 587 76 00
F: +31 (0)20 587 76 05
Protection of your data
Koning & Hartman takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized changes. As part of this, Koning & Hartman uses an ISO-27001 certified Information Security Management System. If you have the impression that your data is not properly protected or if there are indications of abuse, please contact Manager KAM & Information Security via the contact details provided above.
More information about the use of cookies on this website can be found in our Cookie statement. You can request our complete Privacy Statement by contacting us using the contact details above.
Exclusion of liability
All information on this webpage is intended for personal use. No rights can be derived from the information. Modifications and typographical errors reserved. We make every effort to ensure that the information on this webpage is as complete and accurate as possible. Koning & Hartman does not accept any responsibility for damage in any way caused by the use, incompleteness or inaccuracy of the information provided on this website.
The information and recommendations on this website can be changed without prior warning or notification. We make every effort to make this webpage available as much as possible, but we do not accept any liability for any consequences of (temporary) unavailability.
Copyrights and intellectual property rights
The copyright on this website rests with Koning & Hartman or with third parties who have made this (visual) material available to Koning & Hartman with permission. Multiplication in whatever form is only permitted after prior permission from Koning & Hartman.
Koning & Hartman België
Bourgetlaan 42,
1130 Brussel
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